AGM Agenda 2021
Dore Village Society 56th Annual General Meeting
Notice is hereby given that the 56th Annual General Meeting of the Dore Village Society will be held in Dore Old School, Methodist Church Hall or by Zoom at 7:30pm on Wednesday 23rd June 2021 and meeting papers are on our website at These include our annual report and accounts. Details of the venue will be on our notice boards and website nearer the date.
At the AGM we present the Trustees’ report of activities and work undertaken and describe our policies for the work that we do and the way we spend members’ money. We also submit our annual accounts for scrutiny and elect new Trustees to fill vacancies and to replace those retiring or resigning.
At the meeting we need to elect up to six Trustees. There is currently one vacancy. The other five vacancies will arise because one current Trustee will reach the end of her three-year term, Jen Donnelly. She is eligible to stand for re-election and is willing to do so. One Trustee, Keith Shaw, reaches the end of his maximum allowed tenure (12 years) as a Trustee and will also be stepping down from his role as chairman, and Colin Robinson will also be leaving. Two Trustees who have been co-opted since the last AGM will be standing down as co-opted trustees and will stand for election for the first time: Caroline Davies and Tracy Haigh. Our work is defined and governed by our constitution and you can find this at under the tab “Dore Village Society”.
After the meeting there will be a talk by Tomo Thompson, Chief Executive, Campaign for the Protection of Rural England (Peak District and South Yorkshire) and of Friends of the Peak District.
- Apologies for absence
- Approval of the minutes of the 55th Annual General Meeting
- The Trustees’ report
- To approve the accounts for the year ended 31st December 2020
- To elect up to seven committee members
- Any other business
The Trustees’ report, the annual accounts and the Independent Examiner’s report are on the DVS website at and can also be obtained on request by email to
The Society’s constitution requires nominations for election to the Executive Committee to be made no later than 14 days prior to the meeting. Consequently nominations, together with a proposer, a seconder and a brief résumé of relevant background must be received no later than 6pm on Wednesday 9th June 2021.
If you wish to stand for election to the committee nomination forms can be obtained from the DVS website at the URL above, or any of the current committee members. Nominees, proposers and seconders must be members of the Dore Village Society at the time of nomination and at the time of the AGM.
Completed nomination forms can be given to any other member of the DVS committee or delivered to our address: The Old School, Savage Lane, Sheffield S17 3GW.
A list of those nominated will be placed on the Society’s website and noticeboards at least seven days prior to the AGM.
Keith Shaw, Chairman, Dore Village Society
120 Townhead Road, Sheffield S17 3GB
22nd April 2021