Upcoming Events
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Totley History Group - How the Blitz came to Sheffield Andrew Beard
How the Blitz came to Sheffield, address by Andrew BeardAll meetings are held in Totley Library at 7.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Everyone welcome.Members £2 non member …Dore Gilbert and Sullivan Society perform The Milkado
At Christ Church Community Centre (the Church Hall) Townhead RoadTickets £12 and £8 (under 16) from07565 805405 or from https://doregass.weebly.com/tickets.htmlTotley History Group - 'Packhorse Routes' by Melanie Fitzgerald
'Packhorse Routes', address by Melanie FitzgeraldAll meetings are held in Totley Library at 7.30pm on the 4th Wednesday of the month. Everyone welcome.Members £2 non members &poun …