Dore to Door

Produced quarterly in February, May, August and November, Dore to Door is a Dore Village Society publication and is delivered free to over 3,600 households in Dore. If you get a copy through your letterbox then you live in the Dore Village Society's area of benefit. The magazine is also available on subscription to any address in the UK for £7 per annum. Please ask our Membership Secretary for further information.

All copies of Dore to Door are now available electronically as PDF downloads, with each copy individually searchable so that you can rapidly find articles of interest: find a copy of the most recent edition of Dore to Door* on the right or click on the list below to view a past issue.

Dore to Door is paid for by its advertisers, most of which are small and/or local businesses. We are grateful for their support, without which our community magazine could not be produced. After production costs, all money raised by the magazine goes straight back into our community, either directly through the annual Lantern parade, Christmas lights, summer flower tubs and events organised by DVS, or indirectly through donations which DVS makes to smaller local charities and voluntary groups.

To advertise in Dore to Door please contact our Advertising Manager, Richard Courcier at who will be happy to advise you on current rates and discounts. Don't forget to ask about our free layout service.

Would you like to help? The magazine is distributed by a small army of volunteers, without whom we couldn't do this. If you'd like to help with distribution, please contact Gillian Farnsworth on 0114 235 0609 and she'll tell you what's involved. 

For all other enquiries, in the first instance please contact me at or you can telephone me on 0114 236 3598.

Copy deadlines for the next issue, published on August 16th, 2024, are July 19th for editorial articles and July 16th for advertising.

Keith Shaw - Editor

*Adobe Reader version 7.0 or higher, or an equivalent PDF document reader, is required to view these files. Click here to download the latest version of Adobe Reader for free. (A link will open in a new window).

To search an issue of Dore to Door: wait until the issue has downloaded, then hold down the Ctrl key and press the F key. A search box will open. Enter the words you wish to search for, then scroll through the document by clicking on the arrowhead symbols. The down arrowhead reveals additional search options.

Previous issues of Dore to Door