Wyvern Walkers Programme of Walks

Wyvern Walks January to August 2024

We always meet at the Old School, Savage Lane, Dore, ready for departure at 9:30.

Car sharing will be organised on the day if we are not starting the walk in Dore.

Please note that everyone joins walks at their own risk. Please be sure to wear appropriate footwear and clothing, and bring any refreshments and drinks that you will want to consume.

Wednesday 24th January

Leaders - Chris Goldie 07443 944 401 John Proctor 07960 791 879

A local walk from the Old School, through Dore and Totley. We go via Poynton Woods then Gillfield Woods and return to Dore.

Approx 6 miles with a short refreshment break after 4 miles. 

With recent rain it could be wet and slippery under foot.

Wednesday 21st February 

Leaders - Sue Proctor and Rosemary Newton 

This is a six-mile walk at Linacre reservoirs with some inclines (nothing too steep). The first part of the walk is around the reservoirs, the second part explores the area south of Old Bramptom. There are toilets at beginning and the end of the walk at the bottom of the slope beyond the car parks. 

Bring a flask and a biscuit or something to keep you going. We won’t be stopping to picnic. We will car share from Dore. There is a charge for parking at Linacre £3.50 for the day. 

Monday 4th March

Leader - Peter Bower 07748 086 793

Car share to Longshaw NT car park.  Walk to White Edge, The Grouse and Tumbling Hill, where we can enjoy panoramic views.  Return via Yarncliff Woods and Padley Gorge. Toilets and cafe at Longshaw.

5 miles. 

Sunday 21st April

Leader - Chris Cave. 07908 364 925

Starting from Foolow we walk via Silly Dale to Stanley House and then across Stanley Moor to Great Hucklow and Grindlow before returning to Foolow. Here we will stop on the village green by the pond for coffee and any sandwiches we’ve brought. At this point anyone who wants a shorter walk (about 4 miles to here) can leave us. Refreshed we will then pass Brosterfield Farm and Stanley House (again) before returning to Foolow over Little Moor

The full walk is 6 miles, about 3 hours. Add about an hour for traveling and a refreshment break and we should be back in Dore about 2.00pm so sandwiches are advisable.

Thursday 30th May

Leader - Keith Shaw 07778 422 910

Starting from the large layby just above Cutthroat Bridge, we walk down the road, cross at Cutthroat Bridge and follow the path past the rear of the Ladybower Inn, then turning right along a path taking us below Lodge Cote before swinging round and ascending to Derwent Edge and returning across Derwent moors with good views to the east and south.

Approx 6 miles, mostly good underfoot but with one short uneven stretch.

Date: day / no. / month

Monday 17th June

Leader and phone nos.

Peter Bower 07748 086 793

Walk details

Start at Calver where there is roadside parking. Walk over Calver Peak and Longstone moor including High Rake, Black Harry Gate and Coombs Dale. 5-6 Miles.

Distance and any comments (eg. late finish, bring sandwiches)

Hilly in places, can be muddy, but generally easy walking. 

Date: day / no. / month

Thursday 18 July

Leader and phone nos.

Sue Proctor & RosemaryNewton 07751 723 335 

Walk details

Starting in Baslow walk into Chatsworth. Through the del round the lakes and back to Baslow. 

Distance and any comments (eg. late finish, bring sandwiches)

6-8 miles depending on the weather 

Bring sandwiches or a snack. 

Date: day / no. / month

Saturday 3rd August

Leader and phone nos.

Keith Shaw 07778 422 910

Walk details

Park at Dennis Knoll car park (pay and display) and walk alongside Stanage Edge towards Moscar before descending to Jarvis Clough and then following Bamford Edge back to Dennis Knoll.

Distance and any comments (eg. late finish, bring sandwiches)


An easy walk with lots of fine views

Date: day / no. / month

Tuesday 20th August

Leader and phone nos.

Keith Shaw 07778 422 910

Walk details

A walk on Kinder Scout. Starting from near the Snake Inn we walk up Fairbrook, past Fairbrook Naze and along the edge of Kinder to Nether Red Brook, then across to Kinder Downfall for a snack. Then across the moor to Fairbrook, along Seal Edge and descend from near Seal Stones.

Distance and any comments (eg. late finish, bring sandwiches)

Approximately 7 miles. Returning to Dore at about 2:30 to 3:00.

Bring sandwiches.

The walk is more demanding than our usual walks but the splendid views are worth the effort.

This walk is weather dependent and a decision will be taken closer to the date. If unsuitable an alternative walk will be advertised.

Date: day / no. / month

Sunday 15 September

Leader and phone nos.

Chris Cave 07908 364 925

Walk details

Starting in Pilsley we walk through Birchell Bank Wood and Home Farm to Hassop returning by way of Dog Kennel Wood, Wheatlands Lane and Bubnell Cliff.

Distance and any comments (eg. late finish, bring sandwiches)

4 miles with several ascents & descents.

Please contact Keith Shaw (07778 422 910) if you are interested in becoming a walk leader (only three walks per year) or even an occasional leader.
Whether we start to walk from Dore or whether we drive to the walk, we meet at The Old School, Savage Lane, Dore (where car sharing will be organised) to leave at 9.30 am.
In the event of a severe adverse weather forecast, the walk leader may change or cancel a walk. If you wish to find out if this is likely to happen, please telephone the leader the day before the walk.

General enquiries to Keith Shaw - 07778  422910 or by email to keith.shaw@dorevillage.co.uk.