About Dore Village Society
The Dore Village Society is registered as a charity with the Charity Commission (No. 1017051). Thereis an executive committee which administers the activities of the society, and each committee member acts as a trustee of the Dore Village Society charitable body. Members of the executive committee are elected by the members of the society. This committee meets on the last Tuesday of each month.
The Society aims to foster the protection and enhancement of the local environment and amenities within Dore, to encourage a spirit of community and to record its historic development.
The society is active in a number of areas including:
- Planning - monitoring planning applications and reacting to them on behalf of the community’ wider interests
- Publishing - Dore to Door, a local community magazine going to 3,600 households quarterly. Occasional local history booklets and other publications including pictures and Christmas cards
- Public meetings - invited speakers on subjects of interest to the community
- Environment - conservation, and projects to improve public spaces including Ecclesall Woods and Dore Recreation Ground
- Traffic & Transport - applying pressure for safety initiatives and improvements to public transport
- Dore Playground - fund raising for and installation of improved play facilities in Dore Recreation Ground
- Dore Collection - collecting and cataloguing information and material relevant to the development of the local area, from archaeology to recent history
- Dore Show - a traditional annual village show, with classes for entrants ranging from vegetables to fine arts
If you have a particular interest in any of the above areas please contact us for more details.
Membership of the Society costs £6 per annum and is open to all residents of Dore, those who work in Dore, elected local council members for Dore and to all who are interested in the activities and purposes of the Society. Membership is also open to Corporate Members representing societies, associations, educational institutions and businesses in Dore.
Subscriptions can be paid at the Society's room in the Old School between 10am & 12 noon on the first Saturday of any month, or by post - see the How to Join the Society.
Further information about the Dore Village Society can be found on the Charities Commission Website. (Link will open in a new window).