Upcoming Events

Wyvern Walk

Leader and phone nos.

Keith Shaw 07778 422 910

Walk details

A walk on Kinder Scout. Starting from near the Snake Inn we walk up Fairbrook, past Fairbrook Naze and along the edge of Kinder to Nether Red Brook, then across to Kinder Downfall for a snack. Then across the moor to Fairbrook, along Seal Edge and descend from near Seal Stones.

Distance and any comments (eg. late finish, bring sandwiches)

Approximately 7 miles. Returning to Dore at about 2:30 to 3:00.

Bring sandwiches.

The walk is more demanding than our usual walks but the splendid views are worth the effort.

This walk is weather dependent and a decision will be taken closer to the date. If unsuitable an alternative walk will be advertised.