Changes in Dore
A Statement of the views of
the Dore Village Society on
impending changes in the centre
of Dore.
April 1965
A public meeting of Dore residents on 8th February, 1965 which was called by the ward Councillors, expressed opposition to any change in the centre of the Village. However certain changes are outside the say of majority votes, by virtue of the private ownership of land, and a number of these are imminent. At a meeting of the Dore Village Society on 8th March, 1965, some changes were recognised as being inevitable and a forward looking policy was adopted.
The Village is practically unanimously opposed to the idea of buses using the High Street. It is recognised that the existing arrangements are unsatisfactory, and it is suggested that a reversing bay be constructed in Devonshire Terrace Road on the west side and that the pavement of the east side be narrowed to compensate for this.
Other alternatives would be for the bus to reverse in Messrs. Greens’ new frontage, or for the bus route to extend to Totley via Dore Road, for which there is some demand, and therefore not require a reversing site in Dore.
The Dore Village Society firmly believe that the narrow point in the High Street between Devonshire Arms and Greenwood Mount should not be widened. 120 members attended the meeting of the Society on 8th March, and only two opposed the following resolution:
That, if the Corporation requires either the Demolition of 1, Greenwood Mount or one-way Traffic in the High Street, then this society Prefers a one-way street.
If a one-way street results from the current application of Mr. Colin Thompson to develop his butcher shop at 1, Greenwood Mount, the Dore Village Society favours what has been termed the “Dumb-bell” scheme. There was no opposition to a resolution advocating this scheme at the meeting of the society.
This scheme of traffic management would involve north moving traffic using Church Lane and part of Townhead Road, and south moving traffic using the High Street, Savage Lane and Vicarage Lane (parts), with Devonshire Terrace Road remaining two-way, as shown. The central stretch of the High Street would be traffic free, and could become an attractive pedestrian precinct.
Arguments leading to this idea are given in an appendix.
The Dore Village Society is acutely aware of the impending change in the buildings of the centre of the Village and is anxious to ensure that such changes improve rather than detract from the amenities of the Village, and develop rather than destroy its character. It is obviously desirable that developments should be co-ordinated. To this end a panel of architect members is preparing an outline scheme for the Village centre which can serve as a basis for discussion with individual developers.
APPENDIX Discussion of traffic systems in the Village
- The special interests in this discussion are:
- safety of pedestrians, especially children going to the new primary school and to King Egbert School;
- through traffic (mainly local) and traffic going to and from the Village centre
- parking space for shoppers, church-goes, drinkers;
- trade of existing shopkeepers and public houses;
- residents living in or near one-way streets.
- Desirable features of any re-organisation are:
- more car parking space;
- buses excluded from the High Street
- no road widening in the High Street, nor in Church Lane
If road widening in the High Street and Church Lane is to be rejected, and one-sided parking in Church Lane permitted, both these roads need to be one-way. In consequence the routes through the Village centre from north to south must involve High Street, Devonshire Terrace Road, and parts of Savage Lane, Vicarage Lane, Church Lane and Townhead Road. It is suggested that these streets should become one-way, with the exception of Devonshire Terrace Road, which must remain two-way if the buses are to be excluded from the High street.
- If Vicarage Lane and Savage Lane (west parts) are to become regular thoroughfare it will be necessary to improve the corner on the apex of the school play-ground.
Within limitations imposed by the shape of the streets, and the desirable features and special interests described, three one-way street systems seem possible. They are called, for convenience, the “figure of eight”, the “two circles” and the “dumb-bell”. The three maps show traffic moving northwards in Church Lane in each case. In principle the direction could be reversed.
- The Dore Village Society advocates the “Dumb-bell” scheme for the following reasons:
- a safe pedestrian way joining the two “islands” would be created, of especial value to school-children crossing the Village;
- more car parking spaces could be available than if traffic flowed through the central stretch of the High Street, (with end-on parking at least 15 cars could be parked on either side of the pedestrian way);
- potentially dangerous traffic intersections in the centre of the Village would be excluded, and a plethora of No Entry and No Right Turn notices would be unnecessary in the Village centre;
- grass and trees across the pedestrian way would be a considerable improvement on the present expanse of tarmac and could provide a focal point for an attractive redevelopment of the Village centre.