Comment about Population Movement 1851 - 1871

A similar pattern to the 1827 - 1851 movement. From a distance:

School MasterDoncaster
School Master and RegistrarEllastone, Staffordshire
Toll Keeper and TailorLondon
School MistressAlfreton, Derbyshire
Farm BailiffScottow, Norfolk
FarmerStainborough, Yorkshire
GamekeeperSummerwood, Derbyshire
FarmerStockport, Cheshire
CoachmanFarningdon, Berkshire
GardenerReading, Berkshire
CoachmanMessingham, Lincolnshire
QuarrymanChapel Allerton, Yorkshire
LabourerWymondham, Norfolk
LabourerFletching, Sussex
Farm LabourerLincolnshire