Comparison of Household Structure between 1851 and 1871

Number of houses124145
Number of occupied houses122137
Number of unoccupied houses28
Number occupied by family only6678
Occupied by family and relatives1718
Occupied by family and lodger1212
Occupied by family and servants1813
Occupied by family, servants and lodgers54
Occupied by family, relatives and lodger33
% occupied by family only54%57%
% employing servants21%16%
% having lodgers16%14%
Number of inhabitants574660
Number of males317325
Number of females257325
Number under age of 21260317
Number over age of 603747
Average size of household4.74.82
Average number of children in households with children under 213.43.36
The largest familyThomas Bishop
Thomas Biggin
John Coates
- each with 7 children
William Buxton (Schoolmaster)
- 11 children