Employment of Males - 1871
39 Farmers |
23 Farm Labourers |
12 Farm Servants |
2 Cow Keepers |
1 Milk Boy |
1 Woodman |
1 Farm Bailiff |
1 Gamekeeper |
1 Farmer and Sawyer |
Steel Industry
9 Scythe Smiths | 2 Saw Handle Makers |
3 Scythe Grinders | 8 Saw Grinders |
3 Scythe Makers | |
1 Scythe Warehouseman | |
2 Table Blade Forgers | |
8 File Cutters |
Other Trades
3 Blacksmiths | 3 Stone Masons |
1 Millwright | 3 Quarryman |
5 Besom Makers | 1 Salt Dealer |
2 Snuff Manufacturers | 23 Unspecified Labourers |
9 Coal Miners |
1 Coal Agent |
1 Coal Banksman |
1 Clay Miner |
1 Parson | 1 Watchmaker and Shopkeeper |
1 Schoolmaster | 1 Postman |
1 Commercial Clerk | 1 Carter |
1 Collector of Rates | 2 Coachmen |
1 Artist | 3 Butchers |
1 Manager | 3 Publicans |
1 Silversmith | 1 Horsedealer |
1 Tollkeeper and Tailor |