Dore Show in Danger
Dore Show in Danger
There is a significant possibility that the Dore Show will not take place this year, or in future years. The reason is simple: insufficient volunteers to help on the day of the Show, and on the planning committee.
The number of volunteers has been dwindling for some time now due to age, infirmity, moving out of the area etc., and it’s proved difficult to replace them. In addition some long serving members of the Show committee are leaving or scaling back their involvement.
The Show is one of the highlights of the village year and enjoyed by a large number of people. It might even be said that events like this help define us as a community. So what is needed to keep it going?
We need three or four people to join the planning committee. This meets half a dozen or so times a year for a couple of hours in an evening to plan the event.
We also need new volunteers to help on the day, from setting up the day before and on the morning of the Show, to erecting gazebos and receiving exhibition entries and laying them out. These activities take between one and two hours.
Then we need additional helpers for various activities in the afternoon, some of which last half an hour (collecting entrance money on the door for example) and some last for the duration of the Show from about 2pm to 5pm.
Lastly we need to increase the size of the breakdown team that dismantles gazebos and stands, packs away tables and other paraphernalia, and tidies the exhibition spaces. This takes place between 4:30 pm and about 6:30 pm.
So, not a great deal of time is needed from the majority of helpers.
The Dore Show is like a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly because of the long experience of holding the event and the time and effort of people who understand and perform their roles so efficiently. If you can help us maintain this much valued event please get in touch with any of the following.
Pat Ryan, Dore Show Committee:
Sue Severs, Dore Show Committee:
Jen Donnelly, Chair of the DVS:
Caroline Davies, Vice Chair:
Keith Shaw, Editor of Dore to Door: